Hosted Buyers registration

    Annual Turnover:
    Annual value of Cosmetics products imports:
    Please determine the number of units produced per category and the unit price.
    The targeted market segment of each product. Please specify the product and determine the price range set for each category.
    Type of Activity: (please specify the names of affiliates – ex. names of stores a wholesaler sells to or the name of the chain stores operated- and number of operating stores if applicable)
    Which of the preceding specialties and product ranges is/are required for importing? Please determine the target prices for each.
    Countries currently sourcing from:
    Does your company have prior experience with the Egyptian market?*
    Cooperation is still ongoingStopped
    Branch in another country*
    Have you ever had a partnership in Egypt?*
    Type of partnership seeking:*
    Products / Countries your company is currently sourcing from are:
    What are the current and/or future projects your company is working on?
    Target type of activities for cosmetics, cosmetics technology and professional beauty (you can mark on more than one of the following)
    A- Cosmetics
    B- Cosmotech:
    C- Professional Beauty: